

XPS/UPS systems are standard tools for the characterisation of the chemical composition and the electronic structure of the surfaces of solids. XPS spectra are obtained by illuminating the sample surface with monochromatic X-rays while UPS Spectra with ultraviolet photons and eventually measuring the photo emitted electrons.


Integration of sputter depth profiling, Auger electron spectroscopy, (R)EELS or Ion scattering spectroscopy is easily possible in the measurement position to get a more holistic insight into the properties of the samples. By using small spot sources, a 2D-detector and stage mapping, chemical mapping of the surface is possible, as well, to characterise the inhomogeneous element distribution on sample surfaces.

XPS SIngle

XPS Spectra V205
Single Crystal

UPS Spectra of Ag

XPS/UPS Spectra

µSIRIUS Small Spot

The µSIRIUS is a new generation of duo-plasmatron based discharge light sources. Its body fully manufactured by additive manufacturing increases the stability and performance compared to the existing UV light sources. The imprinted water cooling reduces the dimensions of the source and allows us to improve the anode geometry. The photon flux density can be increased by an order of magnitude compared to the existing solutions. A new type of filament comes with a significatnly increased life time of > 5000 hours.

The µFOCAL capillary is a true focusing capillary. Due to the duo-plasmatron principle, the UV source generates a tiny emission spot, which can be focused on the surface without any artificial apertures. The new capillary design reduces the spot size down to 100 µm with no loss in the photon flux. Hence the flux density on the sample surface can be increased by one order of magnitude.

The SPECS UVS 10/35 is an easy to use and robust UV source. It provides an excellent He I to He II ratio and can be operated with many different gases. The souurce is designed for longest operation time with extreme stability and easy ignition.

The UV source fits literaly every system on any free DN40CF flange, while the sample to flange distance is not critical. An optional polarizer is available to polarize the normally unpolarized light.

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